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"Nasa says its robot rover Spirit has made one of its most significant discoveries on the surface of Mars."
"Scans and blood tests sold by private health companies may be at best useless and at worst dangerous, says a leading specialist in preventive medicine."
"Projects that add nutrients to the world's oceans in order to create algal blooms that will absorb more carbon from the atmosphere are scientifically unsound, argues Kristina Gjerde. In this week's Green Room, she calls on...
"Decision-makers in the climate change field have little faith in biofuels as a low-carbon technology, the World Conservation Union (IUCN) has found."
"Former US Vice-President Al Gore has urged the world's two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, the US and China, to work together on climate change."
Displaying results 2541 to 2545 out of 2977